Sesh. 14 Wellness
Sesh. 14 Wellness
Sesh. 14 “Wellness”
Our latest playlist and wellness suggestions are brought to you by Jyima Ofori-Atta who is a NASM Certified Trainer that we personally train with to help maintain our all-round wellness and try to live that ab life, especially during these Covid-19 times of quarantine isolation, changing new times, and sometimes the lack of energy for working out.
Check out Jyima and his fitness class offerings for personals, virtual training, and group sessions to get your wellness on @thejyim
Q: Jyima, what is your favorite way to enjoy cannabis or if you have a ritual you consume?
“My favorite way to enjoy Cannabis is with Tea and essential oils to maximize relaxation. I like using it as a form of mediation to just blank out and clear my head from a day if information.”
Q: Any recommended snacks while high and still staying healthy?
“I definitely have a few go-to snack combos when I smoke.”
A) Coffee, Apple, Roasted Salted Cashews. Has to be all together lol.
B) Peppermint Tea honey oat milk, Ezekiel Toast with sea salt, and coconut oil.
C) Brown Rice Chips, Hummus, Unsweetened Ice Tea.
D) Big Mixed Salad - Cabbage, Mushrooms, kale Spinach, Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Almond Butter, Lemon, Tumeric, Black Pepper.
E) Diced Pineapple, Cut Apples, Sliced Banana, almond butter, honey, cacao nibs.
CB: haha just a few snacks, we are too guilty of being so good at snacking!
Q: Is consuming cannabis or cbd good for workout aftercare?
“I have read studies that link CBD to inflammation reduction but most studies are inconclusive. I know that I definitely feel better after which could be more attributed to the relaxation and meditation.”
Listen to either of Jyima’s playlist Sesh.14 + Sesh.14.2 “Wellness” playlists to elevate your wellness and smoke sesh 💨✌️