Sesh. 8 Worldwide Immigrant


Sesh. 8 “Worldwide Immigrant” playlist is made by @evaozon for Choice Blooms in honor of the Worldwide Graphic Tee. Best herbs in 14 different languages paying a long overdue thank you to every immigrant that makes this world go round.

Listen to the Sesh. 8 “Worldwide Immigrant” playlist to take you worldwide and elevate your smoke 💨

What’s the inspiration behind the playlist?

“I love finding music that takes me to another place in the world. Music can really take you there without the physical travel. You become an immigrant to the place your at, trying to make it temporary home or permanent.

Not many people know this about me but I am a Polish immigrant to the U.S.A.. My family immigrated to Chicago, Illinois around 1987 when I was 3 years old during the revolutions where communist rule was in eastern Europe. Both my parents left in their early/ mid 30's to start a better life in a foreign country they didn't know the language of or have any family there to help them. They never made my life living abroad luxury vacation where all things are paid for and provided. They worked really hard to provide what they could and if I ever wanted anything that I thought was kind of standard for most kids, I had to figure it how to work for it. Paid for my own braces, cellphone, and computer at the age of 16 because that's the work ethic they taught me.

Immigrants work their ass off in this country and all over the world. Other countries hire immigrants over their citizens because they can pay them less. A hard-working immigrant is usually at the disadvantage no matter where in the world they are trying to better their life. People often don't realize immigrants make this world go round.

All of the clothing pieces are made out of organic hemp blends designed by me @evaozon and made in Los Angeles by immigrants which I often get my google translate out and find a common ground of language as best as I can to make my silly ideas come to life. Hope you enjoy! 😎✌️”-@evaozon

How can the world help immigrants?

“When you go eat out or buy from a small business, notice who is getting you all of that, it mostly likely is not the chef on the name of the restaurant, its their staff that are immigrants making your food. Tip well if well done, don’t hassle people or small brands to lower prices or wait for them to have sales, that helps no one in the long chain of humans involved to make this world go round except pay for that other big house to that big ceo that doesn’t even know where the chain begins. Be fair and understanding to how hard it is to live a fair life anywhere in the world. In the end of the day we are all human beings trying to survive the game of life. ”


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