Sesh. 3 Waves X Change

Sesh. 3 Waves X Change

Sesh 3. Waves X Change


This list was created by Eva Ozon who created Choice Blooms! Out in real life, Eva is a creative consultant who works on some rad projects with brands like Adidas, Back-Beat Co., Whimsy + Row, Mika Jaymes, and more. Check out some of her work

What is your smoke ritual?

“My favorite way to smoke is rolling a joint with indica flower, throw on music thats suits the mood and work on creative projects. If I really want to unwind I will lay in my hammock while I smoke. ”

How does music go with your ritual?

“I play music all the time, at home, in the car, it needs to be on all the time kind of like background noise. I don’t always like songs that have a lot of words you have to follow. This playlist I put together is one that takes your smoke sesh to good highs without having to focus on the meaning of lyrics too much. ”

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